
Mark Boehnlein

"Sturm's Fall"

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(MIDI format)

Composed and performed by Mark Boehnlein

This piece is written in two sections. The first section is the initial attack of the Dragonarmies on the High Clerist Tower and the arrival of the blue dragons. This section tries to convey the hope of the knights and of the heroes themselves, especially Sturm's.

The opening segment is for the knights readying themselves to defend the tower. As the snare drum hits out a marching rhythm, the Dragonarmies approach across the snow-blanketed fields. The march rhythm ends as the army hits the walls of the tower and the battle begins with a cymbal crash. The battle sequence ends as the timpani and cymbal signal the withdrawal of the Dragonarmies and a brief cheer is portrayed by the horns using the war theme from the beginning. As the French horn goes into Sturm's theme, Tasselhoff spots the blue dragons on the horizon. Sturm hands over command to Laurana and he turns to face his destiny. As Laurana, Flint and Tas go to ready the remaining knights and the dragon orb, the war theme returns in the music. Sturm lets the arrows fly to get the dragon's attention. The lead dragon, and the Highlord atop it, approach him to attack. Sturm's theme returns as he wrestles with the dragon fear and readies himself. The dragon dips below the wall briefly, then explodes over the parapet. Sturm scores a hit on the dragon. Then the lance of the Highlord pierces him as the music crescendos and the final beat is hit.

Now comes the second section. This whole part is done in slow motion. As soon as Sturm is impaled, the recorder begins Sturm's theme. The lance is removed and Sturm slowly slides off it. His sword falls from the battlements, tumbling and twisting as Laurana looks from the courtyard below. The blue dragon releases a lightning bolt exploding part of the tower. Sturm falls to his knees as he looks at his bloodied hands. Suddenly, the strings and voices begin Kit's theme as the dragon flies away, the dragon Highlord looking over her shoulder at the fallen knight. As the music dies away and the triangle hits the final note, Sturm lays still on the battlements, and his sword comes to rest in the courtyard.

- Mark Boehnlein

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Copyright Info
All music in this section is original and © 2000 Mark Boehnlein. All Rights Reserved. You may download this music for your personal, non-commercial use only.

Player Notes
These files are compressed using the MIDI format. The quality of playback of MIDI files is directly related to the quality of the sound hardware in your computer. The cheaper the sound card, the crapper MIDI playback will sound. Most common media players like Winamp, Windows Media Player, or Quicktime can play MIDI files.